If you would like to make a return, we are here to help!
We accept returns up to 15 days after the shipping date of your order, and will provide you with a gift card for the amount you paid for the item + a free shipping code to use on your next order. Items must be unworn, with the tags still on (for those products containing tags).
Our return shipping address is:
The Flourish Market
1101 E Whitaker Mill Rd.
Suite 110
Raleigh, NC 27604
*Please make sure to include your first and last name from your order inside of your package.
Once we receive your returned item, we will issue you with a gift card and free shipping code via email. Both the gift card and the free shipping code will be good for one year. Please note: we provide gift cards, not refunds.
Sale Items
Two times per year, we will offer special sale codes to our customers. All items purchased at a discount are final sale and cannot be returned or exchanged. We invite you to gift or share these items with a friend.
We ship within 4 business days, however, we usually get your happy mail out to you as fast as we can :)